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Thursday, July 8, 2010

There are things in life you want, and there are things in life you need. When you have a child the words "I want" no longer exist in your vocabulary, and the word "need", goes to your baby. Then there are the things you don't need. It doesn't hurt to wish or dream, but in reality, your little one is so much more important than anything money can buy.

Things you don't need to be a good mother.

a hair cut that makes you feel like a star.
the trendiest clothes to wear while doing the laundry.
a manicure, it makes it difficult for baby to use fingers as a pacifier.
A night out on the town even just once a week.
the most expensive toys for baby, because even the expensive ones break.
A big mansion
the newest technology

Things you do need to be a good mother

wooden spoons for baby to bang on pots
a pony tail and or head bands
sweat pants
fast feet
a camera
and most important


  1. I love it Beka. I like reading your blog and getting a lil insight to my freind as a momma. A FANTASTIC momma I knew you would be. Keep up the good work my dear, just wait till she starts walking... have fun! <3 Duck

  2. Why don't all my comments show?
