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Friday, September 17, 2010

"The Mother of the Land"

In these next blogs I plan on describing some of my family members. Well, the ones worth mentioning. I feel It is necessary for you to understand what violet will be having to endure as she grows up. Let's just say she will have a eccentric life with these alienesk people. So without further ado (I think that is how you say it) Please meet the cast of this seasons newest show.
"This Family is Wild"

If I could describe my Mother in one word it would be, "humorous".

"The Mother of the land", August Garcia. Watch as she gets blamed for mundane things, as she handles her title of first born. But look, she still manages to walk with a pep in her step. Actually it is a limp from a herniated disk, but folks, she makes it look good. Hard working Gardner, bra-less, woman wonder, can talk her way out of any situation and insult you with out you even knowing it. She is A Mother and grandmother that wears her patch proudly that identifies her as "The Weird One". Super power- absorbs the sun into her skin, and can camouflage herself into any tomato bush.

I used to get upset when people would tell me how much I was like my mother. I wouldn't say that I have acquired my worst traits from her, but....well it is all how you look at it. I think she gave us our family motto, "We are rich guys. RICH IN LOVE!!!" arg when you are 13 and really want a portable cd player. But I look at the values she instilled in me and I can't wait to pass those onto Violet.

Like "Hate, is a bad word" "Laugh when people don't like you, it makes them like you less", "Some where, somebody has it worse" and my all time favorite "the world is your bathroom, so pop a squat"

she can dance (well tries to) through the worst of situations, and will always find something to cook. Was not afraid to let us kids swim in duck poop filled ponds. And always made sure the Easter bunny forgot to boil some of the eggs, so we could chuck em' at each other.

She let me know that I came from the mailman, Aaron came from what the chicken left behind, and and Alex came from the milkman. So proud to call us her children. actually we are all full blooded brother and sisters, from the same mother and father. Just a joke we all got going between the three of us.

When we first moved to New Mexico, my brothers and I couldn't figure out why there wasn't any trees and why every thing was brown. She told us the story of how E.T was flying around and had to go poop really really bad. So he stopped of in chaparral, took a dump, and it smelled so bad every thing died. I think that is still my favorite story she every told us. How sweet right?

She has only given me encouragement as I have become the mother that I am. And never lets me feel like I am doing a bad job. Even when I put the diaper on wrong over and over again, creating large blow outs. She has taught me that collecting baby teeth is not gross, and squirting your little brother with breast milk was actually a funny joke and he just took it wrong.

Violet adores her, and so do I. And I am so lucky that she is violets grandmother. I know that she will always make her laugh, always teach her that life is beautiful, and that fairies are real.

She truly is my best friend.

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