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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

T Virus

Sniffle sniffle, cough cough, achoo.  First it was Violet and now it is me.  For the past two days my poor little booger monster, and I really mean boogers, has been sick.  Her tooth finally pushed all the way out, and with it came a whirl wind of sleeplessness and boogers.  She walked around like a zombie and only wanted to be cuddled, which was the first tip off that something was wrong.  After sticking to the meds, and lots of loving, today she was back to her regular self.  I wasn't....

I fell asleep last night with an itchy nose, and awoke with a throat that was dryer than the desert and sorer then my butt after the rodeo.  Arg.  I woke up thinking "No way am I going to be able to function today."  But there are no breaks when it comes to the day to day raising of my little one.  A cold is not an excuse to not change diapers, wash dishes, feed, and entertain.  So functioning is just what I did. 

Even burning up Violet and I enjoyed the weather outside.  The past two days have been a swirling mess of dirt and wind.  I watered my strawberries yesterday only to dodge giant tumble weeds in the event.  I'm not lying either, mom was laughing at my screams.  So, with the sun shinning and the sky's blue instead of brown we wondered the yard taking pictures.  I managed to plant my Oregano, Parsley, and Basil in Dixie cups to start inside the house.  And even grilled some steaks.

Here's some random pictures of the yard and stuff.
I'm not sure what this plant is called, but they look really cool.  My dad brought them from California.

Daffodils a bloomin

One of my Mom's flower beds.

I just like how this rocks look.  I know I'm odd

Turtle Crossing
The back yard.  I can't wait until it is all green.

So know I hope that my virus is gone by tomorrow.  I got a Passion Party to plan, and Easter Party to plan, A BBQ this weekend, an  ACTHA ride in two weeks to get ready for, and who knows what else that comes along.  Sheesh I need a vacation.  Thinking I might just let Jason marry me for the honeymoon.  Donations anyone?

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